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Escalante-Covarrubias, Q; Mendoza-Viveros, L; González-Suárez, M; Sitten-Olea, R; Velázquez-Villegas, L.A.; Becerril-Pérez, F; Pacheco-Bernal, I; Carreño-Vázquez, E; Mass-Sánchez, P; Bustamante-Zepeda, M; Orozco-Solis, R; Aguilar-Arnal, L (2023) Time-of-day defines NAD+ efficacy to treat diet-induced metabolic disease by synchronizing the hepatic clock in mice. Nature Communications  14, 1685.


Mendoza-Viveros, L; Marmolejo-Gutierrez, C; Cid-Castro, C; Escalante-Covarrubias, Q; Montellier, E; Carreño-Vázquez, E; Noriega, L.G.; Velázquez-Villegas, L.A.; Tovar, A.R.; Sassone-Corsi, P; Aguilar-Arnal, L; Orozco-Solis, R. (2023) Astrocytic circadian clock control of energy expenditure by transcriptional stress responses in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus. Glia 1– 22.


Ahmed, A; Syed, J; Wang, X; Chi, L; Perez-Romero, C, Lee, D; Escalante-Covarrubias, Q; Yang, J; Kocaqi, E; Ishimura, A; Suzuki, T; Aguilar-Arnal, L; Bryan Gonzales, G; Kim K-H;, Delgado-Olguín, P. (2023) KDM8 epigenetically controls cardiac metabolism to prevent initiation of dilated cardiomyopathy. Nature Cardiovascular Research, 2, 174-191

This article was highlighted in: Bakshi, S., Wende, A.R. KDM8 prevents heart failure by controlling cardiac metabolism. Nature Cardiovascular Research 2, 106–107 (2023)

Nuñez-Olvera, S.I.; Aguilar-Arnal, L.; Cisneros-Villanueva, M; Hidalgo-Miranda, A; Marchat, L.A.; y Salinas-Vera, Y.M; Ramos-Payán, R; Pérez-Plasencia, C.; Carlos-Reyes, A.; Puente-Rivera, J.; López-Camarillo, C. (2022) Breast cancer cells reprogram the oncogenic lncRNAs/mRNAs coexpression networks in three-dimensional microenvironment. Cells. 11(21):3458


Sánchez-Ramírez, E, Ung, TPL; Alarcón del Carmen; A; Del Toro-Rios, X; Fajardo-Orduña, GR; Noriega, LG; Cortés-Morales, V.A.; Tovar, AR; Montesinos, JJ; Orozco-Solis, R; Stringari, C; Aguilar-Arnal, L (2022) Coordinated metabolic transitions and gene expression by NAD+ during adipogenesis. Journal of Cell Biology  221 (12): e202111137.

This article was highlighted in: Eckel-Mahan, K. Temporal and spatial metabolite dynamics impart control in adipogenesis. Journal of Cell Biology (2022) 221 (12): e202210021


Q Escalante-Covarrubias, L Mendoza-Viveros, M González-Suárez, F Becerril-Pérez, I Pacheco-Bernal, E Carreño-Vázquez, P Mass-Sánchez, M Bustamante-Zepeda, R Orozco-Solís, L. Aguilar-Arnal (2022). Time-of-day defines the efficacy of NAD+ to treat diet-induced metabolic disease by adjusting oscillations of the hepatic circadian clock. bioRxiv, the preprint server for biology


Nuñez-Olvera, S.I.; Puente-Rivera, J.; Ramos-Payán, R.; Pérez-Plasencia, C.; Salinas-Vera, Y.M.; Aguilar-Arnal, L.; López-Camarillo, C. (2021) Three-Dimensional Genome Organization in Breast and Gynecological Cancers: How Chromatin Folding Influences Tumorigenic Transcriptional Programs. Cells 11, 75.


Orozco-Solis, R, Aguilar-Arnal, L.; (2020). Circadian regulation of immunity through epigenetic mechanisms, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Mar 13;10:96. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00096.


Pacheco-Bernal, I; Becerril-Perez, F and Aguilar-Arnal, L.(2019). Circadian rhythms in the three-dimensional genome: implications of chromatin interactions for cyclic transcription, Clinical Epigenetics,11(1):79


Escalante-Covarrubias, Q. and Aguilar-Arnal, L.(2018). Environmental Regulation of Metabolism through the Circadian Clock, Current Opinion in Toxicology 8, 93-101


Orozco-Solis, R., Montellier E., Aguilar-Arnal, L.., Sato S, Vawter MP., Bunney B.G., Bunney W.E., Sassone-Corsi P., A Circadian Genomic Signature Common to Ketamine and Sleep Deprivation in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (2017) Biological Psychiatry. 82(5), 351-360.

This article was highlighted in: Morgan, P.T. (2017) Ketamine and Sleep: Bridging the Gap in the Treatment of Depressive Illness. Biological Psychiatry 82(5) 309-311


Aguilar-Arnal, L., Ranjit, S., Stringari, C., Orozco-Solis, R., Gratton, E., Sassone-Corsi, P., Spatial dynamics of SIRT1 and the subnuclear distribution of NADH species (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 113,  12715–12720. 


Daulny, A., Mejía-Ramírez, E., Reina, O., Rosado-Lugo, J., Aguilar-Arnal, L. , Auer, H., Zaratiegui, M., Azorin, F. (2016). The fission yeast CENP-B protein Abp1 prevents pervasive transcription of repetitive DNA elements. BBA - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1859(10):1314-21


Orozco-Solis, R., Aguilar-Arnal, L., Murakami, M., Peruquetti, R.L., Ramadori, G., Coppari, R., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2016) Control of cyclic energy expenditure by a circadian clock in the ventromedial hypothalamus. Cell Metabolism 23(3), 467-78.

This article was highlighted in: Prabakaran, S. A food clock in the VMH. Science Signaling 9 (420), ec70. 2016


Masri, S., Orozco-Solis, R., Aguilar-Arnal, L.., Cervantes, M., Sassone-Corsi, P. (2015) Coupling circadian rhythms of metabolism and chromatin remodeling. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism,17-22.


Aguilar-Arnal, L., Katada, S., Orozco-Solis, R., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2015). NAD+-SIRT1 control of H3K4 trimethylation through circadian deacetylation of MLL1. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 22, 312-318.

This article was highlighted in: Tasselli, L. and Chua, KF. Methylation gets into rhythm with NAD+-SIRT1. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 22, 275-277.


Aguilar-Arnal, L., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2014). Chromatin landscape and circadian dynamics: Spatial and temporal organization of clock transcription. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 112, 6863-6870.


Aguilar-Arnal, L., Hakim, O., Patel, V.R., Baldi, P., Hager, G.L., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2013). Cycles in spatial and temporal chromosomal organization driven by the circadian clock. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 20, 1206-1213.


Aguilar-Arnal, L., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2013). The circadian epigenome: how metabolism talks to chromatin remodeling. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 25, 170-176.


Aguilar-Arnal, L., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2011). Stem cells: The clock within. Nature 480, 185-187.


Aguilar-Arnal, L., Marsellach, F.X., and Azorin, F. (2008). The fission yeast homologue of CENP-B, Abp1, regulates directionality of mating-type switching. EMBO J 27, 1029-1038.

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